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Issue-Free Orders
Collect and manage testimonials
Collect and manage testimonials
Nick Hemenway avatar
Written by Nick Hemenway
Updated over a week ago

Availability Requires TrustedSite Certification Pro

With the Issue-Free Orders certification, you can collect and display customer testimonials to help build visitor trust.

Once you’ve installed the conversion tracking code and enabled Shopper Identity Protection, customers will receive an email seven days* after making a purchase asking if their experience on your site was great, OK, or bad. If a customer selects great, they will be asked to provide a testimonial.

To view and manage testimonials:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. If you have multiple sites in your account, click the one you want to manage in your Site List.

  3. From the site overview page, under Certifications click Issue-Free Orders.

  4. In the Testimonials box, click View.

  5. Click the slider under a testimonial to enable it to display in the testimonials trustmark.

Note The email can be triggered to send a custom amount of days post-purchase. Contact us to implement.

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