Requires a TrustedSite Pro Subscription
App blocks let you add TrustedSite engagement trustmarks to themes that support the Online Store 2.0 editor without having to modify the shop’s liquid files.
Unless otherwise restricted by the Online Store 2.0 theme being used, TrustedSite app blocks can be used on all templates. TrustedSite for Shopify does not currently use app embed blocks
Add and move app blocks
With the TrustedSite app installed on the Shopify store, open the Online Store 2.0 editor. Select Add section in the editor and select TrustedSite to add a section containing a TrustedSite app block.
You can add as many of the blocks as desired. Drag and drop the sections in order to reorder them.
Note: Within the editor, you will see demo trustmarks to help you position them. Only actively earned trustmarks will display on your live website.
Configure and/or remove app blocks
The block settings section also allows you to select the desired trustmark to be displayed and the desired size. Note that the block will only display a trustmark if all requirements for the trustmark are met and the trustmark is included in the store’s TrustedSite plan. Click Manage app for more information.
You can use the Remove block option at the bottom of the block settings section in order to delete a block.