To add the TrustedSite extension to your Magento 2 site:
Add TrustedSite as a dependency by adding the following line to composer.json located under your Magento root folder (e.g. /var/www/magento):
β"mcafeesecure/module-mcafeesecure": "~0.0.9"
Run 'composer update'
Enable the TrustedSite extension by adding the following line to app/etc/config.php located under your Magento root folder:
β'McAfeeSecure_McAfeeSecure' => 1
Run 'bin/magento setup:upgrade'
Once the TrustedSite extension is enabled, go to your Magento admin backend to create and/or log in to your TrustedSite account.
After setting up your account, the TrustedSite trustmark should appear on your store layouts (please allow up to several minutes for activation).